The club meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the clubhouse in Westfield. If you would like to discover what makes being a Lion so special, attend a meeting. Contact us or simply show up.
The first meeting of the month is the general or program meeting, during which visitors and spouses are encouraged to attend, awards are presented, and a special presentation (The Program) is scheduled. The Program may consist of speakers such as a Lions District Governor talking about Lionism, sports figures discussing their careers, medical doctors or specialists addressing an informative topic of interest. It also may cover special award functions such as grants, service awards, senior scholarships being presented or simply provide entertainment such as the Christmas program.
The second meeting is considered the business meeting. During this meeting club business is conducted.
— 1st Thursday —
General Meeting at 7 p.m
— 3rd Thursday —
Business Meeting at 7 p.m.
Westfield Lions Club Clubhouse
1101 E 169th Street
Westfield, IN 46074